Influential spheres


A lot has been written recently about apocalyptic weather patterns, from force 5 hurricanes and extreme flooding, to forest fires. What are the messages coming through in the chaos? The clearest and most consistent message coming through to me is that we are truly coming to the end of the era of unbridled individualism.

By this, I don’t mean to imply that any kind of individual human self-fulfilment is a bad thing. I do mean to imply that with global communications we are now all living in each other’s back yard to a greater or lesser degree and this is bringing a new level of consciousness to the table.

This means that everything I do is linked to others, some closer, some further. Environmental impacts of my driving, or flying, or recycling or building with concrete or not composting, are all having effects on other people. This awareness, directly linked to the Aquarian era, is changing the game.

Much of the pain, struggle and lack which characterised the Piscean era was directly linked to individual behaviours not taking the collectivity into account.  The “I’m gonna mine this hillside and all this stuff can flow down into the sea and poison the fishes and basically I don’t care because it isn’t my problem” kind of attitude.

Because basically it now is your problem like it is my problem. And it his problem, and it is her problem and it is their problem too. And my kids’ problem and your kids’ problem and their kids and their kids’ problem too…

There are enough issues to go around to restructure the entire world economy with useful stuff. Stuff that greens. Stuff that helps. Stuff that is biodegradable. Stuff that lasts longer. Stuff that is organic. Stuff that is renewable. The list is long.

The resistance — and resistance there is — will come in part from individuals who simply refuse to change their lifestyles. And from corporate interests who, in the status quo, are doing very nicely, thank you.

I am not suggesting system-failure, though that might conceivably take place one day. I am suggesting the urgency to move out of the business as usual mindset and start working together as a world-nation.

Of course, we can continue, making arms and our posturing for more or less destructive combats all over the world. But this is a distraction from the real issue, like small boys who are hitting each other with spades in the sandpit as the tornado bears down upon them and takes them both away.

The tragedy is not the loss to come, it is our chronic blindness to any reading of the signs. The real awakening will be when we get it together to love each other, help each other, look after each other and actually work together because the very act of living can be difficult enough and be challenging enough at times. Surely we don’t need to boost the crap any higher?

This is indeed the age of the end of illusion. The illusions are many and diverse. And we are waking up. There is so much good stuff going on too. We all have a role to play in the cosmic dance here on earth.

We can start by asking ourselves what on earth are we doing for the general good? Look at the drawing. Influential spheres. Meditate upon this. Are we each fulfilling a role, no matter how small at each level? To step up our game we simply need become more conscious of the Whole. We are quite simply a part of everything, whether we are aware of it or not.

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